Thanks and Acknowledgements

Where I express my, deepest gratitude to the wonderful people who have helped, and I hope will continue to help, make this blog ...

The Background
My amazing background was found at This website is incredible with amazing patterns and desktop backgrounds ... there is literally a pattern to suit any website, blog, wall or home page so go and check it out! Thank you! X

Support and Assistance
I am really not that up to date with technical things such as html, forums and, as I have recently discovered, alignment of pages. As a result I am eternally grateful to the computer and technology addict, and in my opinion genius Dan - if like me you want to express your gratitude, or just chat to him you can email him at;

I also need to thank my best friend and, somewhat reluctant, proof reader, Tash. She has listened to me babble on about books, this blog and my ideas for it for so long and I think its only fair, that I let her know, publicly how glad I am that she has stuck me for :) Also, she has a passion for TV and film almost as big as my passion for books and like me she has translated this into a blog which you need to go and check it out; Thank you! X

Finally, and most importantly, you guys for reading this blog. This started off as a way to combine my passion for books and reading and my love of writing and communicating with people and whilst I understand that this may never be a really well known blog with thousands of views and subscribers but you guys have given me the confidence to promote it further and make it larger and more public. I am forever grateful for your support and I hope that I can continue to engage with you and that this blog continues to interest and entertain you. Thank you! X

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